1 Month
0.02% of trade notional (*)
- Daily Valuation Report
- Online Valuation
- Market Risk (Greeks)
- What-if analysis
- Pre-trade Analysis
- Access to of xVA API
Specific package can be structured
- Daily Valuation Report
- Online Valuation
- Market Risk (Greeks)
- What-if analysis
- Pre-trade Analysis
- Access to of xVA API
Assistance in the following areas
- Daily Valuation Report
- Online Valuation
- Market Risk (Greeks)
- What-if analysis
- Pre-trade Analysis
- Access to of xVA API
All prices are quoted excluding VAT.
(*) The trade notional is the original (non-amortised) notional aggregated across all active transactions. The aggregated trade notional will be subject to a floor at EUR 1.5m and a cap at EUR 13.5m. The notional can be found in the trade confirmation.